Yoga Poses for Diabetes

Yoga collage. young woman doing yoga exercises

As we usher into the world of technology and leisure, the diseases that were found to attack less number of people, have now become an everyday scenario. Just like other modern day disease, even diabetes comes under the category of potential epidemic disorder. Reports from US National library of medicine suggest that 31.7 million people had diabetes in India in the year 2000, which topped the ranking. The disease occurs when the insulin level in the body is not read by the blood cells. There are multiple contributing factors to the issue and more and more people are being affected by the disorder. Apart from changing one’s life lifestyle, it is important to add some yoga poses to the patient’s routine, for a quicker control.

Here are some poses that will help the patient in combating the disorder wisely:

01. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge Pose
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge Pose
A pose offering multiple benefits, it works in controlling the blood sugar levels in the body and helps in circulation of the blood as well. Stretching the spine, abdominal muscles and improving pancreatic cell production are some of the other benefits of the pose.

02. Balasana or Child Pose
Balasana or Child Pose
A back opener pose, it is known for its therapeutic qualities. People with diabetes can perform this pose as and when they like, as it is highly beneficial in their condition. It busts stress, fatigue, and stretches hips, thighs and ankles along with producing a calming effect on the body.

03. Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand
Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand
An inverted pose, it activates the thyroid gland, which is used in functioning of the entire body from nervous system to digestive functioning to reproductive organs. A perfect pose for both advance and intermediate, beginners can perform the variation called legs up the wall.

04. Halasana or Plough Pose
Sporty woman practices yoga asana Halasana
When the shoulder stand deepens further into a back bend, plough pose occurs. Again activating the thyroid & parathyroid glands, the pose also increases the circulation of the blood in upper body.  This increase of blood in the upper body works as a stress reliever and calms the mind in no time.

05. Dhanurasana or Bow Pose
Dhanurasana or Bow Pose
A prone pose, the entire body weight rests in the abdominal region while the back stretches deeply, and the legs are raised higher as well. This massages the liver, intestines, and pancreas and enhances the wellness of reproductive system along with creating a sense of balance in the body.

06. Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend
Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend
The seated pose requires high flexibility so that the pose can be performed fully. With time when the practitioner is able to rest his head on the knee, a complete stretch comes through which enables the pancreatic function to stimulate thereby resulting in better production of insulin.

07. Vajrasana or Thunder Bolt Pose
Vajrasana or Thunder Bolt Pose
A simple seated pose, Vajrasana can be performed anytime the practitioner wants, i.e. even after finishing a meal it can be practiced. The pose is known to activate the abdomen area, thighs, calves and helps in increasing the digestive functions. Also, it stimulates all the 72,000 nadis in the body and hence one of the most beneficial pose.

08. Ardha Matsyendrasana or Half Lord of Fishes Pose
Ardha Matsyendrasana or Half Lord of Fishes Pose
A spinal twist, pressing and massaging the stomach, the pose yet again stimulates the organs in the abdomen. From kidney to liver and pancreas, all of the organs are benefited from the production of the pose, thereby giving rise to a healthy body, which is free of diabetes.

09. Meditation
Lastly and more importantly, meditation is known to answer all worries and issues unlike any other medicine available. With a regular meditation and visualization work, one can hope to combat any situation in life. Because a peaceful mind will offer a stress free life, which will lead to control in diabetes as stress is the biggest contributor in diabetes.

Yoga is a miraculous science and opens gateways to new avenues where good health is a norm and not a dream we sought after.