Do not ignore ,If you are facing these symptoms can be cardiac arrest or heart arrest.


1.Blood Pressure

Few days before the sudden rise in blood pressure and and keep rising in continuity.blood pressure blood pressure is responsible for the making the coronary artery thick and thin which is responsible for the heart attack. blood pressure creates the stage of Hypo-tension and Hypertension. Both stages can cause the cardiac arrest and heart attack..

2.pain in upper body & chest pain

Sudden pain down the chest bone, or pain in the mid of the nipples,chest pain please don’t assume as a gastric pain and different fluctuation or irritation inside the chest, this chest pain can rise as up to days or months. but in the case of women, women can feel the pain in the left shoulder or left leg.

3.Swelling in legs and stomach

few days before the heart attack you can feel the swelling in legs and stomach,swollen legs sometimes in the chest also. whenever u feel like this happening with your body. sometimes this swelling can be for a while or can be last long so if you feel so please have an X-ray and ECG. so that can be diagnosed earlier.

4.Problem in breathing


It is the stage before a few hours ago, like  3-4 hour before the heart attack but if you feel consistent like since a few days then the condition can be critical and needs early diagnosis. so the safety precautions can be taken Earlier.

5.Stress, bad daily routinestress

If a person is depressed or in any tension then it is said to avoid that .daily routine like improper sleep, loss of physical activity cholesterol level .becouse these factors may also cause the coronary artery blockage or improper functioning of valves.daily routine